简单 傻瓜式控制,只需按一下按钮,既进入自动运行状态,并具有自动进水,自动点火,自动压力控制,自动报警及低水位自动保护功能,无需专人值守。 The product is easy to operate. All you need to do is only to press a button.it will get in to work automatically.The product also has the functions of auto-water-entering. Auto-igniting. auto-pressure- controlling,auto alarming and auto-rotection,if low water level,so it is not necessary to keep a person on watch. 蒸汽锅炉 顶视图 方便 本产品体积小,重量轻,并配有四只万向轮移动特别方便,既可放在库房,也可放在车间里使用。 The product is small an light.With four active wheels it is be moved conveniently. it can be used either in the store houses or in the workshop. 安全 采用水管贯流式炉胆结构,并配备安全阀,温度过热,水位过低,压力过高等四重保护,绝对安全可靠。 The product adopts the infalling through system on the structure of boiler pipe line,if equips safely valve an will stop working automatically in case hyperthermal,super-pressure and low water lever. 经济 该产品具有升温快,压力稳,无黑烟,运行成本低的特点,以使用6台蒸汽熨斗为例,电蒸汽发生器10小时耗电360度,费用约252元,而本产品10小时耗油34升,约119元,节约运行成本133元。 The characteristic of the product are fast temperature rising, stable pressure,no smoke and low cost.Take 6 steam iron for example,using electric steam producer consumes 360 KW/h electricity in 10 hours and costs about 252 yuan, while this product consumes 34L oil in 10 hours and costs only 119 yuan.